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HomeGreene County Landlords Association

Welcome to Greene County Landlords Association
Paragould Arkansas

Greene County Landlord Association - Paragould, AR
Meets the first Thursday of Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, & Dec
Grecian Steakhouse in Paragould 11:00am
Lance Liddell, President (870)212-0554
Membership Types
Regular Membership: $65.00 Annually
Affiliate Membership: $55.00 Annually

2024 Officers

Lance Liddell - President
Derek Forman - Vice President 
Bob Wells - Treasurer
Chuck Hampton - Secretary



Greene County Landlord Association
Paragould, AR 72450

A committee met at the offices of Paragould Rentals LLC in the fall of 2014 to work toward forming a landlord association for Greene County. At the meeting it was decided to proceed with the effort of creating a chapter to be affiliated with the Landlord Association of Arkansas.

The organizational meeting of the chapter was held at Couch's Barbecue (now Ironhorse Barbecue and Steakhouse) on October 9, 2014. The proposed by-laws were presented, fine-tuned, and adopted by the group. The meeting location has been moved to the Legacy Room of the Greene County Library. 

The first Officers and Directors were elected at the November 2014 meeting:

Bob Wells, President
Lance Liddell, Vice President
Carrie McDonald, Secretary
Brenda Lemmons, Treasurer
Mike Schug, Newsletter Coordinator
Susan Boyd, Director
C B. Smith, Director

During the formative months, the chapter received support and guidance from Gail Blucker, Executive Director of the Arkansas Landlord Association, and the Northeast Arkansas Landlord Association in Jonesboro.

The members possess a vast amount of knowledge and experience in many areas of business and landlording and are willing to share with anyone who has a need.